Monday, October 5, 2015

First thoughts...

Finding a private little corner of the world to record some thoughts and pics and family stuff. Because one: On those days where the last row of Oreos is staring me down and self-doubt and mom guilt are havin' a block party with my hormones, I need to remind myself that amid the chaos of our life there is joy. So much joy. And two (the real life reason) because my facebook friends can only take so many random rants, sermons, and stories about my kids. (As adorable as those two geniuses clearly are!)  So while I always encourage my fb peeps to give me a good, sarcastic eye roll while scrolling past my status, here is a safe place they never have to enter.  Where I can type and cry and be cheesy to my heart's content. And if  two people happen to read it like say my mom and my husband (yes you have to honey), and I get all my thoughts and words and feelings out (stop jumping up and down honey), then I'm all set. And when I'm not here baring my soul, you know where I'll be. Out chasing boys like it's my job. Because of course, it is. 

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